Saumon roti a l'effilochee d'endives

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 Salmon filets; 8oz ea
1 tb Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 lb Endives
1 1/2 tb Butter
Salt, pepper, lemon juice to

-------------------RED BELL PEPPER SAUCE------------------------
1 1/2 tb Shallots; finely chopped
1/2 c White wine
1/3 c Fish stock
2/3 c Heavy cream
1/2 c Red bell pepper; very finely

SAUCE: In a saucepan, saute shallots in a teaspoon or so of butter
until transparent. Add white wine and reduce (simmer) the mixture
until it reaches a pasty consistency (about half an hour). Add fish
stock, heavy cream, and red bell pepper. Simmer slowly until creamy
(40 minutes or so, depending on desired consistency).

ENDIVES: After washing endives, cut in two lengthwise, then remove
tough centers and bases. Cut julienne style into very thin strips
and stack together. Melt butter in a large frying pan and add
endives. Saute for about half an our at medium heat until cooked
through. When finished, the endives should be soft, moldable,
brownish, almost transparent, and their sharp bitterness should be
replaced by a milder taste. Lightly salt and pepper, then ass a
little lemon juice.

SALMON: Preheat oven to 400 degrees, and stove to high heat. In a
non-stick frying pan, heat olive oil to very hot, then sear the
aslmon on both sides until brown. Salt and pepper both sides of
salmon, place in a roasting pan and roast for about 5 minutes.

DISH DISPLAY: PLace half the sauteed endives on the left side of the
plate in a rounded, flattened shape to createa "carpet" on which to
place the salmon. Using half the sauce, pour most of it on the lower
portion of the plate, drizzle some of it around and endivces and save
the rest. Place a salmon filet on top of the endive "carpet" and pour
the remaining sauce portion over the salmon. Serve with colourful
steamed vegetables (placed on the remaining third of the plate) if
desired, and French bread on the side.

Source:Disney Magazine, Spring 1996 Walt's, Disneyland Paris
formatted by Lisa Crawford, 3/15/96

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