Sausage and biscuits

"Breakfast recipe - Discover how to cook this recipe free. Learn how to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious chef recipe explained step by step. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy, quick and free recipe!"
Recipe by: conrad

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Breakfast sausage 2 c Milk; or half milk,
1/4 c Flour Half cream
1 ts Salt

Make the biscuits with baking mix such as Jiffy or Bisquik, cutting
in some additional butter if fat and calories don't scare you.

Break up the sausage as you brown it in frying pan. Then remove
meat and set aside.
Drain all but about 1/4 cup of the fat from the pan; remove pan
from heat and stir in flour. Add milk gradually, stirring.
Return pan to heat and cook as with any white sauce, stirring
until thick and smooth.
Return sausage to sauce, turn heat low, and let simmer a bit to
blend flavors.
Taste for seasoning; you are unlikely to want pepper, but you may
need a bit more salt.
Serve with eggs of you choice, but scrambled is my preference...

Source: Esther H. Vail, Rochester NY USA Formatted to MM format
by Fred Goslin in Watertown NY on Cyberealm Bbs, home of KookNet #
(315) 786-1120

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