Sausage and sage pizza

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 Sweet or hot Italian 12 Inch pizza crust
-sausages (or a combination 5 tb Grated romano cheese
-of both), 1 Heaping T Chopped fresh sage
Casing removed -OR
1 Heaping C Grated mozzarella 1 ts Dried sage
-cheese Juice of 1/2 lemon

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Crumble sausage meat into small pieces.
Either cook in microwave briefly or saute' (3 to 5 minutes) to draw
out excess fat; drain on paper towels.

Sprinkle mozzarella evenly over pizza crust, then distribute sausage
meat evenly over crust.

Sprinkle romano cheese, then sage, evenly over meat.

Bake pizza with toppings until nicely browned, about 10 minutes.

Before serving, squeeze lemon juice over top of pizza. Makes one 12
inch pizza.

SOURCE: *Quick Italian Cuisine International, Knapp Press C 1984 ISBN
0-89535-147-1 SHARED BY: Jim Bodle 3/93

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