Saute' spinach

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Recipe by: doriann

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 pk Spinach, washed (10 oz) 3 tb Oil
1 md Onion, sliced Salt

1. Wash spinach and slice onion.

2. Place oil in wok, heat to smoking point. Add onion to wok, stir.
Add spinach, stir spinach from bottom to top of wok. Cover wok
briefly. Lift cover up and keep stirring spinach until it is wilted.
Cook the spinach a full five minutes, covering and uncovering the wok
as you are stir frying.

NOTE: Other leafy green vegetables may be similarly cooked, such as
lettuce, bok choy, celery cabbage, and rupini.

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