Sauteed ampalaya fruit

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Recipe by: jity

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

---------------------YIELD: 4 SERVINGS--------------------------
4 md Ampalaya (bitter mellon)
1/4 lb Pork
1/4 lb Shrimp
1 kg Tomato
1 sm Onion
3 ea Garlic cloves
4 ea Tb Patis
5 ea Tb Oil
3/4 c Water
2 ea Eggs
1/2 ts MSG

Wash and cut ampalaya in 2 inches, lengthwise. Remove the seeds and
slice crosswise thinly. Scald and shell shrimp. Slice pork into
small pieces. Peel and slice onions; peel and crush garlic. Slice
tomato. In small amount of oil, saute garlic, onions, tomatoes, pork
and shrimps, stirring constantly. When pork is half done, add water,
patis, and MSG. Bring to a boil. When pork is done, add the ampalaya.
Let it boil twice until ampalaya is cooked. Add beaten eggs and stir
once or twice before removing from stove. Serve hot with rice.

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