Shen-hsien-t'ang (soup for the gods)

"Chinese recipe - Discover how to cook this Chinese recipe free. Ideas for dinner to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious Chinese recipe. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and free recipe!"
Recipe by: laurissa

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

6 c Boiling water -sections
2 tb Soy sauce 1/2 Ounce finely chopped
1 Dozen 1/2-inch sections of -Ginseng root
-garlic shoots or 1 ts Sesame oil
1 Scallion cut into 1/8-inch 1 ts Salt

Ran across these three short recipes utilizing ginseng. Thought
someone into herbs and/or Chinese medicinal cooking might find them
interesting. Note the measurement for "a heaping tablespoon vegetable
oil" in the last recipe. Ginseng must be pretty miraculous stuff if
you can heap tablespoons of oil...

Put seasonings in a bowl and pour the boiling water into it. This is
a good drinking soup that goes well with a heavy dinner.

From "The Ginseng Book", Louise Veninga, Ruka Publications, 1973.

Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; May 17 1993.

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