Spicy dumplings with sesame sauce and hot oil

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Flour, all purpose 1/2 c Water or more
1 pn Salt

2 tb Water, cold 1/2 lb Pork, butt, ground
1 tb Ginger, fresh, finely 1/4 ts Salt
-- chopped 1 pn Pepper, white, ground
1 tb Scallion, finely, chopped

-----------------------------SPICY SESAME SAUCE-----------------------------
1/3 c Tahini, (sesame seed 1 tb Garlic, finely chopped
-- paste) + 1 tablespoon 1 tb Oil, chili, hot
1/3 c Vinegar, Chinese, rice 1/2 ts Peppercorns, Szechwan,
1/3 c Soy sauce -- ground
1/4 c Sugar Oil, hot chili
1 1/2 tb Oil, sesame Scallions, sliced

For Dough:

In a mixer or processor, combine the flour and the salt.
Gradually add water to the dry ingredients and knead to form a firm
but moist dough. Wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours or more.

For Filling:

Combine water with the ginger and scallion. Let stand, covered,
2 hours or longer. Strain, reserving liquid. Stir liquid into the
ground pork with salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate until needed.

For Spicy Sesame Sauce:

Use a processor or blender to combine sauce ingredients. Set

To Assemble:

Divide your dough into 4 pieces. Roll each piece into a cylinder
about 1 inch in diameter. Pinch or cut 6 or 7 walnut-size pieces from
each cylinder. Dust pieces with flour and stand each on a cut side.
Use a rolling pin to flatten into 2 1/2 to 3-inch circles, turning
them with your fingers as you roll and making them slightly thicker in
center than at the edges.

Place rounded teaspoons of meat filing in center of each circle.
Fold edges up over filling, pressing dough together in center, then on
two sides. Pinch firmly. Place on floured sheet of waxed paper. (If
you find that your dumplings aren't sticking together at the edges,
you can use a little bit of water to wet the edges before you pinch
them together.... it will act like glue.)

Cook ( a few at a time) in a large pot of boiling water until
meat is firm, 4 to 5 minutes. As the dumplings cook, they have a
tendendy to float - this is normal. Cook for a full four minutes at a
minimum, or the meat may not get done. Drain the dumplings and
transfer to serving bowls. Drizzle with spicy sesame sauce and a few
drops of chili oil. Sprinkle with scallions and serve.

Source: New York's Master Chefs, Bon Appetit Magazine
: Written by Richard Sax, Photographs by Nancy McFarland
: The Knapp Press, Los Angeles, 1985

Chef: Simon Teng, Auntie Yuan Restaurant, New York
Co-Owner: Ed Schonfeld
Co-Owner: David Keh

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