Sweet kachori - indian recipe

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Recipe by: hassania

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

For filling:
200 gms. khoya
50 gms milk powder
1/2 tsp.nutmeg-cardomom-cinnamon powder
For cover:
250 gms. plain flour
1 tbsp. cornflour
30 gms. ghee
For syrup:
250 gms. sugar
1 cup water
1 big pinch saffron
Ghee for deep frying

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1.Mix ingredients for filling. The mixture should be soft and crumbly.
2.Mix ingredients for cover. Using water knead to a pliable dough.
3.Cover with a wet cloth. Keep aside
4.Boil sugar and water adding a tbsp. of milk to clear the syrup.
5.Boil till the syrup is slightly sticky between the fingers.
6.Strain. Crush and add the saffron. Keep aside.
7.Make 15 to 16 flattish balls of the mixture.
8.Divide dough also into 15 to 16 parts.
9.Roll one part into a puri, place one mixture ball in the centre.
10.Pull up all the sides to seal the mixture and press in centre.
11.Make 5 to 6 such kachoris, heat ghee and fry on low flame till light brown, turning once.
12.Repeat for remaining kachoris.
13.When slightly cool, make a hole in the centre of each (approx. 2cm. diameter).
14.Pour about half tbsp. of syrup and roll kachori around to let the syrup spread.
15.Allow to stand for half hour before serving. Note: The unsweetened kachoris may be stored without refrigeration for
one week and
sweetened as required .
Serves:15 helpings .
Time required:2 hr.
Shelf life: 10 days .

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