1990 ics world championship bowl of red

"Discover how to cook this chili recipe free. Learn how to cook a delicious healthy recipe. Chili recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick chili recipe!"
Recipe by: ilvona

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

---------------------------PART 1--------------------------------
3 lb Beef chuck tender; cubed 1 1/2 tb Onion powder
1 - 2 tbsp wesson oil 3/4 ts Cayenne pepper
2 14 1/2oz cans beef broth 2 ts Beef bouillon granules
1 8oz can hunt's tomato sauce 1 ts Chicken bouillon granules
4 ds Tabasco pepper sauce

---------------------------PART 2--------------------------------
3/4 ts Garlic powder 6 tb Gebhardt chili powder
1 1/2 ts Cumin Salt to taste
3/4 ts White pepper

Recipe by: HBWK07A Chuck Ozburn

Brown meat in oil; cover with beef broth; stir in all remaining
ingredients in Part1; medium boil until meat is tender, add HOT water
as needed; 30 minutes before serving, add the ingredients of Part 2
and simmer; serve with chilled bottles of Yago Sant'Gria and
Pillsbury Cornbread Twists. David Valega Bethany, Oklahoma

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