Chinese: chicken wing drumsticks

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Recipe by: cazimir

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

--------------------------------CATE VANICEK--------------------------------
10 Chicken wings (yield 20
1 Egg white, slightly beaten
1/3 c Cornstarch--mixed with:
1 ts Baking powder
Peanut oil for deep frying

1 ts Five-spice powder
1/2 ts MSG (optional)
1 ts Salt
1/2 ts Sugar
1 ts Rice wine
1 ts Soy sauce

Discard wing tips. Cut between joints. Remove the smaller bone of the
lower wing. Cut skin loose around the small end and push skin and meat up
to form drumstick.

Marinate wings for 1 hour. Add egg white. Coat wings evenly. (Using egg
white to coat the wings will help to seal the juice inside the meat. Hence
the meat will be juicier.

Dredge wings in cornstarch mixture. (Using cornstarch and baking powder
helps to make the outside layer crisp.)

Deep-fry for 3 minutes. Drain. Let cool.

Deep-fry once again right before serving. (Deep-fry the first time to cook
the meat and seal the juice in the meat. The second time to make the
outside crisp. Make sure the oil is very hot before you deep-fry for the
second time.)

SOURCE: Stella Chan's Secrets in the Art of Chinese Cooking.

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