Deluxe tomatoes persillees

"Discover how to cook this vegetables recipe. Recipe free. Delicious healthy recipe. Vegetables recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick vegetables recipe!"
Recipe by: ellerey

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

6 Tomatoes, halved and seeded
3/8 c Olive oil
1/2 c Pine nuts
1/4 c Unsalted butter
3 Garlic cloves, minced
1 c Fresh parsley, minced

Sprinkle the cut sides of the tomatoes with salt and allow to drain,
upside down on a rack for 30 minutes. In a skillet, heat 1/4 cup oil
over mod-high heat, and saute the tomatoes for 3-4 minutes on each
side, or until they are softened but not brown. Transfer the
tomatoes to a baking sheet and keep them warm, covered.

In a small skillet, heat 2 Tbsp oil over mod-high heat and saute the
pine nuts, stirring, until they are golden. Transfer them to paper
towels to drain. Add the butter to the skillet, and cook the garlic
over moderate heat, stirring, until it is light golden. Add the
parsley, and cook the mixture, stirring, for 1 minute. Season the
mixture with salt and pepper, spoon it into the tomatoes, and top
with the pine nuts.

a 1975 Gourmet Mag. favorite

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