"our" sour cream^

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Recipe by: oukhyat

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 c Lowfat cottage cheese, 2 ea Tb lowfat buttermilk
-drained 1/4 t Fresh lemon juice

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
Variations: Add 1 talbespoon salsa and use for dips. Add vanilla or
almond extract and/or pureed fruits for dessert toppings (omit l Add
no salt added Dijon mustard and 1/2 teaspoon low sodium soy sauce for
meat For dips and sauces, add salsa, mustard, parsley or finely
chopped spinach, min Per recipe: Calories: 174 Protein: 29g
Carbohydrates: 7.5g Fat: 2g Sodium: 958mg Cholesterol: 10mg Per
tablespoon: Calories: 11 Protein: 1.8g Carbohydrates: 0.5g Fat: trace
Sodium: 40mg Cholesterol: 42mg Cooking for Good Health by Gloria Rose
ISBN: 0-89529-577-6 Entered by Carolyn Shaw 3-95

Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 03-07-95

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