Pratie cakes

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Recipe by: alcides

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Potatoes; mashed (fresh or Ing board)
-prefared from flakes) 1/4 ts Salt
1/2 c All-purpose flour; unsifted 2 tb Onion; finely chopped
(reserve some 1 tb to flour- 2 tb Margarine;

Turn mashed potatoes into a large bowl. Add flour, salt, and onion.
Mix thoroughly with hands and fingers until completely mixed and
smooth. Pat on a lightly floured board until 1/2 inch thick. Cut
with a 3-inch cookie cutter. Place on a cookie sheet, cover lightly
with waxed paper, and chill in refrigerator until just before
cooking. To cook, use 1 tablespoon margarine at a time. Melt
margarine in a large frying pan or stovetop griddle. Fry cakes over
moderately hot heat, turning to brown on both sides. Serve
immediately. Food exchange per serving: 1 STARCH EXCHANGE + 1 FAT
EXCHANGE CHO: 15g; PRO: 2g; FAT: 5g; CAL: 110 Low-sodium diets: Omit
salt from original mashed potatoe mixture and from recipe.

Certain Irish folk refer to potato cakes as "praties". They are
great! Mix and shape ahead, then chill them before cooking.

Source: The Art of Cooking for the Diabetic by Mary Abbott
Hess,R.D.,M.S. and Katharine Middleton Brought to you and yours via
Nancy O'Brion and her Meal Master

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