Prize orange coconut cake

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

--------------------ORANGE COCONUT CAKE-------------------------
3/4 c Chortening, creamed with Add to first mixture with:
2 c Sugar 1/2 c Orange juice
1 1/2 ts Grated orange rind 3/4 c Water
2 Eggs yolks, well beaten Beat enough to make batter
Blend together,then sift: Smooth. blend in:
3 1/4 c Cake flour,sift once 1/2 c Moist, shredded coconut
4 1/2 ts Baking powder 4 Eggs whites, beaten stiff
1/2 ts Salt

Pour into three 9 in chake pan, greased and floured. Bake 30 minutes
in moderate over 350F. Put layers together with Orange filling and
cover with orange frosting. Sprinkle with 3/4 c. moist shredded
PRIZE ORANGE FILLING: 2 T. flour, 4 level T. cornstarch, 4 egg
yolks, well beaten; 1 c sugar; 1/2 tsp. salt. Mic smooth in double
broiler. Add slowly the following, stirring constantly: 1/2 c orange
juice; 3 T lemon juice; 1/4 c water; Add: 2 T butter, grated ring of
1 orange. Cook over water, stirring occasionally until thick, about
20 minutes. Cool. Spread between layers of cake. ORANGE FROSTIMG: 1
tsp white corn syrup, 7/8 c sugar, 1/4 tsp grated orange rind, 1 egg
white, 3 T orange juice. Put in double boiler. Beat constantly with
rotary beater while cooking over boiling water 6-7 minutes. Remove
from heat, ad: 1/2 tsp lemon juice, sprinkling of salt.
Beat thoroughly and spread on cake.

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