Sausage-apple stuffed squash

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Recipe by: dorie-anne

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 lg Acorn squash
-- halved and seeded
1 1/2 lb Pork sausage meat
3/4 c Quaker Oats, uncooked
-- (quick or old-fashioned)
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 c Chopped apple
1/4 c Chopped onion
1 tb Finely-chopped parsley
1/2 c Milk

Place squash, cut side down, in shallow baking pan. Pour a little
water in pan. Bake in preheated moderate oven (350 F.) about 30
minutes. While squash in baking, make sausage balls.

Combine sausage, oats, salt, apple, onion, parsley and milk
thoroughly. Shape to form 18 sausage balls. Brown lightly in small
amount of shortening in large skillet. Remove squash from oven; turn
cut side up. Season with salt and pepper. Place 3 sausage balls in
center of each squash. Continue to bake about 40 minutes longer or
until squash is tender.

Source: Our Favorites for family and friends Reprinted with
permission from The Quaker Oats Company Electronic format courtesy of
Karen Mintzias

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