"stuffed" chicken breasts

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 tb Margarine, Non-Diet, Tub, Chopped
Canola/Corn Oil 1 c Chicken Broth, Defatted --
2 c Onion -- chopped Divided
2 lg Celery Stalks -- diced 1/2 ts Dried Basil
1 c Cabbage -- finely chopped 1/8 ts Black Pepper
1 sm Carrot -- diced 3 1/2 c Stuffing Cubes, Seasoned
2 tb Fresh Parsley Leaves -- Commercial

4 lg (To 6) Chicken Breast 1/4 ts Dried Basil
-Halves, without skin, 1/4 ts Dried Thyme
-trimmed of all fat 1/4 ts Salt -- optional
1 ts Margarine, Non-Diet, Tub, 1/8 ts Black Pepper
Canola/Corn Oil

Parsley Sprigs -- optional

Preheat oven to 350 F.

STUFFING: In large, non-stick skillet, combine margarine, onion,
celery, cabbage, carrot, parsley, and 3 Tbs broth. Cook over medium
heat, stirring frequently, until onion is tender, about 6 or 7 mins.
If liquid begins to evaporate, add a bit more broth. Stir in basil
and black pepper. Add stuffing and remaining broth. Stir to mix well.
Transfer to 9 1/2 x 13-inch baking pan.

CHICKEN: Place breasts over stuffing, bone side down. Spread
margarine over chicken. Sprinkle evenly with basil, thyme, salt, if
desired, and black pepper. Bake 20 mins. Move chicken to side of pan,
and stir stuffing. Rearrange chicken over stuffing, and bake an
additional 30 to 35 mins or until chicken is cooked through.

Transfer stuffing to serving platter, and arrange chicken on top. Or
serve individual portions of chicken over stuffing.

GARNISH: Sprinkle with parsley sprigs, if desired.

NUTRITIONAL DATA (based on 6 servings): Per Serving: Calories 335 Fat
(gm) 7.3 Sat. fat (gm) 1.4 Cholesterol (mg) 76 Sodium (mg) 794
Protein (gm) 34 Carbohydrate (gm) 32 % Calories from fat 20

Recipe By: Skinny One-Pot Meals - ISBN 0-940625-75-X Shared by: Dan
Klepach, Mar/95.
From: Sharon Stevens Date: 04-02-95 (164) Fido: Home

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