
cooking recipe There are 47 recipes in this category
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3 1/4 c All-purpose flour -- Unsifted 2 1/4 c Sugar 1 c Unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 c Cornstarch 1 tb Baking ...

...Mix cornstarch and baking soda, then add water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the consistency of wet mashed potatoes. Tu...

Baking soda dumplings by: priscila

Sift together dry ingredients. Combine egg and milk. Beat egg-milk mixture into dry ingredients to form dough. Drop dough by spoonfuls into boiling ...

... - For great baking results, keep an oven thermometer in the oven and use it. Oven temperatures regularly vary up to 75 degrees, so this can...

...3 c Nonfat dry milk powder 1 tb Sugar 1 tb Double-acting baking powder 1 ts Salt 6 tb Solid vegetable shortening ...

...d be level with, or slightly above, the middle of the oven. If baking round loaves on a cookie sheet, place the sheet on the center...

...1/8 lb (500g) flour 2 1/2 oz 3 1/2 (75-100g) sugar 3 Drops baking essence Bitter almond flavor 1 Pinch salt ...

... c Cake flour 1 tb Baking powder Heat oven to 400. Line baking sheet with parcment or wax paper. Peel and mince onion shall...

Celebrity Chefs Recipes (cooking)

Heston Blumenthal
(celebrity chef)

Heston Blumenthal - The Fat Duck

The Fat Duck is voted the #1 best restaurant in the world by Michelin Guide (celebrity chef from England)

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Celebrity chefs

Wolfgang Puck
(celebrity chef)

Wolfgang Puck

Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million

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Celebrity chefs

Joël Robuchon
(celebrity chef)

Joël Robuchon

French celebrity chef. The "Chef of the Century" with 26 Michelin Guide Stars - the most of any chef in the world!

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