'roasted' salmon with wine sauce

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
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Main Ingredients:

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Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Samon roste in Sauce. Take a Salmond, and cut him rounde, chyne and
all, and roste the pieces on a gredire; And take wyne, and pouder of
Canell, and drawe it thorgh a streynour; And take smale myced oynons,
and caste there-to, and let hem boyle; And then take vynegre or
vergeous, and pouder ginger, and cast there-to; and then ley the
samon in a dissh, and cast the strip theron al hote, and serue it

275 ml/10 fl oz/1 1/4 cups medium-dry fruity white wine 175 g/6 oz
small onions, peeled and finely chopped Good pinch of ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon white wine vinegar Good pinch of ground ginger 6 salmon
cutlets, about 2.5 cm/1 inch thick Oil for grilling

No oil or fat is mentioned in the original recipe, but they are
suggested for frying other fish in the same manuscript. Fish must be
grilled on a greased surface whether cooked over the heat or under it
as we cook it now. Oil was the obvious medium to use, because salmon
could be eaten at Lenten meals, when strictly pious people did not
eat butter.

We do not need to 'streyne' our wine or spices today. Cook the wine,
onions and cinnamon gently in an open pan until the onions are soft
and the wine is slightly reduced. Add the vinegar and ginger, and
leave at the side of the stove. Heat the grill while you brush the
fish cutlets with oil on both sides. Grill them under moderate heat,
turning once, until just cooked. Serve each cutlet with a spoonful
of wine and onions on top.

from The Medieval Cookbook by Maggie Black Chapter 6, "The Court of
Richard II" posted by Tiffany Hall-Graham From: Tiffany Hall-Graham
Date: 05-27-94 Submitted By DALE SHIPP On 04-20-95

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