Beef vegetable stir-fry

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Recipe by: loetquin

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Beef Top Round Steak
1 1/2 c Broccoli Cut Into 1" Pieces
3 md Carrots, Bias Sliced
1 ts Cornstarch
1/2 ts Sugar
1 ts Salt
2 tb Soy Sauce
2 tb Dry Sherry
2 tb Peanut Oil
1 md Onion, Cut Into Thin Wedges
5 oz Green Peas, Hulled
1/2 c Water Chestnuts, Drained
-Sliced Thin
1/2 c Bamboo Shoots, Halved
Rice, Cooked, Hot

Partially freeze the beef to make it easier to handle and cut. Slice
very thinly across the grain into bite size strips. Cook the broccoli
and carrots, covered, in boiling salted water for 2 minutes. Drain.
Set aside. Mix the cornstarch, sugar and salt. Stir in the soy sauce
and the sherry. Set aside. Preheat a wok or large skillet over high
heat. Add oil. Stir fry the broccoli, carrots and onion until tender
crisp (about 2 minutes). Remove from the wok. Replenish the oil as
necessary. Add half the beef to the HOT(!) oil. Stir fry until
browned (2-3 minutes). Remove. Repeat with the remaining beef. Return
all the meat to the wok. Add the peas, water chestnuts and bamboo
shoots. Stir the soy mixture into the wok. Cook, stirring steadily,
until thickened and bubbly. Cook, stirring steadily, another minute
or two. Return the broccoli, carrots and onion to the wok. Cover.
Cook for 1 minute. Serve over rice.

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