Black beans and rice salad

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Recipe by: kalidiatou

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Cooked rice, cooled to room 1 tb Minced parsley
-temperature 1/4 c Light italian dressing
1 c Cooked or canned black beans 1 tb Lime juice
1 md Tomato, chopped Lettuce leaves

Combine the rice, beans, tomatoes, cheese (if desired), and
parsley in large bowl. In a cup, whisk the dressing and lime juice;
pour over the rice mixture; toss lightly. Serve on lettuce leaves.
Iris' Note: leftovers do not store well--rice soaks up lime

Per serving (w/o cheese): 210 calories; 0.7 g fat (3% of calories);
560 mg sodium, 3.2 g dietary fiber.

(From BEANO Newsletter, 3/94)
Submitted By IRIS GRAYSON On 02-11-95

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