Coquilles st. jacques minceur ***bdgm08b***

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Recipe by: manassee

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 1/2 lb Scallops 4 ts Lemon juice
1/4 lb Mushrooms; chopped Ground pepper
1/4 c Parsley; chopped 1/2 c Dry bread crumbs
4 ts White wine 4 tb Butter

Divide scallops among 4 ramedins or coquilles (shells), topping
each with equal portions of mushrooms and parsley. Sprinkle each with
wine and lemon juice, then with pepper to taste. Place ramekins in
the microwave in a circular pattern, allowing 1" space between them.
cover with a paper towel and cook on HIGH for 5 minutes. Rearrange
dishes and cook for 3-4 minutes more, or until scallops are done.
Remove from oven and allow to stand. Meanwhile, in a 1 cup glass
measure, place bread crumbs with butter on top. Cook for 1 1/2
minutes, or until butter is melted; stir to blend.
Spoon equal portions of buttered crumbs on top of each scallop dish.
Serve hot.

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