Deluxe marinated beef brisket, texas style

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Recipe by: meaghan

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 tb Fresh lime juice
1 1/2 tb Madeira wine
3 tb Olive oil [use extra-virgin]
1 Whole beef brisket - 4 to 5

Texas Dry Rub - see recipe

Combine the rub, lime juice, Madeira and olive oil in a blender.
Process until it becomes a smooth paste. Or combine the ingredients
in a small nonreactive bowl and stir into a paste. Scrape the paste
from the blender or bowl.

With your hands lightly oiled, rub the paste into the brisket,
coating both sides well. Cover the brisket with clear food wrap and
marinate for a minimum of 36 hours in the refrigerator.

Remove the brisket from the refrigerator and let it sit at room
temperature (for about 1 hour) before you begin to cook.

TO COOK OUTDOORS, use a covered kettle grill or water smoker. In a
kettle grill, indriectly cook the brisket over a water pan containing
a basting liquid of water, orange juice, wine or something similar
for about 2 hours per pound, refreshing the coals with damp smoking
chips every couple of hours. The brisket should have a dark crust
when finished. If you are using a water smoker, follw the
manufacturer's instructions. Remove the brisket from the grill and
let it stand for 10 minutes before slicing.

TO COOK INDOORS, preheat the oven to 200F. Put the brisket in a
roasting pan and place in the center of the oven. Roast for 2 hours
per pound, undisturbed. Remove the brisket from the roasting pan and
let stand for 10 minutes before slicing. If you like, combine the
pan juices with some warm barbecue sauce for serving.

To serve, slice the brisket across the grain. Place overlapping
slices on a large platter, drizzle with barbecue sauce and garnish
with grilled red onions rings.

Yield: 10 to 12 servings.

Author's note: The trick behind a perfectly moist beef brisket is
slow, even heat or smoke. If you have a water smoker and access to
mesquite chips or hard wood, Texas beef brisket takes on added depth.
But you can get nice results indoors with your own oven. The Texas
Dry Rub becomes the basis of a smoky, savory paste. Serve the
brisket with your favorite barbecue sauce, a side of coleslaw and a
garnish of sliced, grilled red onions.

Note from me: We us this recipe on a 3.25 pound eye of round roast
and marinate in the refrigerator for 72 hours or more. Delicious!
The rub iss very hot, so I rub it off the roast before slicing so
there is no overkill on heat. We usually serve two sauces on the
side: homemade BBQ sauce and horseradish sauce. Great with baked
beans and homegrown tomato salad!

Source: "Marinades" by Jim Tarantino From: Michelle Bass, Sun 01 May
94 13:31, Area: COOKING

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