"Discover how to cook this appetizers recipe free. Learn how to cook a delicious healthy recipe. Appetizers recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick appetizers recipe!"
Recipe by: thieme
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
3/4 lb Sharp cheddar cheese, grated 1 tb Onion, grated
4 oz Roquefort cheese, crumbled 1 1/2 ts Worcestershire sauce
1 Clove garlic, pressed 1 ts Mustard, dry
3/4 c COCA-COLA CLASSIC 1/4 ts Salt
2 tb Soft margarine 1/8 ts Tabasco sauce
In a large mixing bowl, add cheddar cheese and roquefort. Add pressed
garlic, 1/2 cup of the Coca-Cola, and remaining ingredients. Beat with an
electric mixer on low speed until blended. Gradually add the remaining
Coca-Cola, then beat on high speed until the mixture is fairly smooth,
light and fluffy. Pack into a covered container. Chill. Refrigerate
overnight. Keeps very well for a week or more. Makes about 3 cups.
Recipe: "Cooking with Coca-Cola", a give-away loose-leaf notebook divider
set from The Coca-Cola Company, 1991
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