Italian bread ^ nonfat

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Recipe by: eloÏ

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

6 c Flour 1 Slightly beaten egg white
2 pk Yeast 1/4 ts Dried rosemary or basil
1 1/2 ts Salt -**OR**
2 c Warm water 1/8 ts Onion or garlic powder

Combine 2 cups of the flour, the yeast and the salt in a large mixing
bowl. Add water. Beat with mixer on low speed 30 seconds, scraping
bowl. Beat on high for 3 minutes. Stir in as much remaining flour as
you can. Knead in enough remaining flour on a floured surface to make
a stiff dough that is smooth and elastic (8-10 minutes). Shape into a
ball. PLace into a greased bowl, turning to grease top. cover and let
rise in a warm place until doubled (1-1 1/2 hours). Punch dough down.
Divide in half. Cover and let rest 10 minutes. Grease 2 baking sheets
and sprinkle with colrnmeal. Rol each dough half into a 15x12"
rectangle. Roll up from side; seal well. Taper ends. Place seam side
down on prepared baking sheets. Brush woth a mixture of egg white,
water, and if desired, one of the herbs or powders. Cover and let
rise until nearly doubled (about 45 minutes). Make 5 or 6 diagonal
cuts 1/4" deep across tops. Bake at 375 20 minutes. Brush again with
the egg white mixture. Bake 20-25 minutes or till golden. Cool. Makes
2 loaves. (30 servings)

BREADSTICKS: Prepare as above, only divide each half into 15 pieces.
Roll each piece into an 8" rope. Place on prepared sheets. cover and
let rise until nearly double (about 30 minutes). Brush with the egg
white mixture. Bake at 375 10 minutes. Brush again with the egg white
mixture. Reduce temperature to 300 and bake 20-25 minutes or till
golden. Makes 30 servings.

Per serving: 80 cal., 0g fat, 0mg chol., 109mg sod., 17g carb., 1g
fiber, 3g pro., 1 bread exchange.

BHG Low Calorie/Low Fat Recipes Spring 1995 Entered by Carolyn Shaw
1-95. Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 02-02-95

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