Moosewood vegetarian chili

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Recipe by: melenise

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 1/2 c raw kidney beans
6 c + water
1 t salt
1 c tomato juice
1 c raw bulghar
1 olive oil for saute
4 cloves garlic,Crushed
1 1/2 c onion,Chopped
1 c carrots,Chopped
1 c celery,Chopped
1 t basil
1 T chili powder (more? to
1 T cumin,Ground
1 salt and pepper
1 ds of cayenne (to taste)
1 c green peppers,Chopped
2 c fresh tomatoes,Chopped
1 juice of 1/2 lemon
3 t tomato paste
3 t dry red wine
1 cheese
1 parsley

Put kidney beans in a saucepan and cover them with 6 cups of water.
Soak 3 4 hours. Add extra water and salt. Cook until tender (about 1
hour). Watch the water level, and add more if necessary.

Heat tomato juice to a boil. Pour over raw bulghar. Cover and let
stand at least 15 minutes. Saute onions and garlic in olive oil. Add carrots, celery and spices. When vegetables are almost done, add peppers. Cook until tender. Combine beans, bulghar, sauted vegetables, tomatoes, lemon juice, tomato paste, and wine and heat together gently, either in kettle over double boiler, or covered in a moderate oven.

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