Nancy's curried beans

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Red kidney beans 2 T Butter or olive oil
1/2 lb Salt pork, or bacon, cut 1 T Sugar
-small and sauteed 2 t Curry powder
1 lg Onion, chopped 1 c Stewed tomatoes, or canned
1 ea Apple, chopped 1 t Salt
1 ea Clove garlic Few grains of cayenne
1 ea Sprig thyme

Soak beans overnight, or use two cans of kidney beans, drained and
rinsed) Fry onion, apple and garlic in butter. Add salt, pepper,
sugar and tomatoes. Blend well, add curry. Add beans, mix well and
fill bean pot or baking dish. Cut up salt pork (I use bacon) and
mix. Pour in some bean water - add more if beans get dry. Slow oven
325F for 3-4 hours covered. Can be doubled or tripled nicely. Origin:
My (birth) mother, Nancy Kirk Shared by: Sharon Stevens

Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 12-18-94

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