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Recipe by: scherryl-ann

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

200 g Blanched almonds
300 g Walnuts (or pecans)
1/2 c Cocoa
50 g Flour
1 ts Cinnamon
1 ts Mixed spice
1/2 ts Ground nutmeg
300 g Mixed glace fruit
100 g Liquid honey
150 g Sugar

1. Toast nuts in an oven at 180C for 10 mins. Chop coarsely by hand
and cool. (processor makes nuts oily). 2. Mix nuts, flour, sifted
cocoa, and spices in a bowl. 3. Make a toffee with the honey and
sugar. Cook till the soft ball stage. 4. Pour into dry ingredients
and mix with a wooden spoon. As it starts to get a little cooler you
can get your hands in to mix it well. 5. Press very firmly into a
greased 20cm round cake tin (spring form). 6. Bake for 30-35 mins at
360C. 7. Remove from oven and loosen the sides of the panaforte from
the tin. 8. Cool completely in the tin. 9. Before serving, sprinkle
with icing sugar if desired. Cut into thin slivers with a sharp knife.

Stores up to three weeks in an airtight container.

Posted By (Mark Reddy) On

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