Pappardelle i (pasta)

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Recipe by: emmanuËl

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 1/2 c Flour, all purpose 1 ts Oil, olive
2 lg Eggs 3/4 c Water, warm (approximately)
1/4 ts Salt

For Pasta:

Place 3 cups of flour on your work surface. Make a well in the
center of the flour.

Beat the eggs together with the salt and pour into the flour

Stirring the eggs with your fingertips, gradually incorporate the
flour. When about half of the flour has been incorporated, drizzle 1
teaspoon of olive oil over the egg-flour mixture and stir it in.

Use a little of the remaining 1/2 cup of flour to rub any sticky
bits from your fingers. Continue to add the unincorporated flour
alternately with warm water, until you have worked in all of the flour
and just enough water to form a mass that is supple but not sticky.

Knead the mixture until very smooth and silky (about 10 minutes)
adding flour if it becomes sticky, or a little warm water if it becomes
too firm. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes.

Go on to the next recipe and prepare the Duck in sauce.

Source: New York's Master Chefs, Bon Appetit Magazine
: Written by Richard Sax, Photographs by Nancy McFarland
: The Knapp Press, Los Angeles, 1985

Chef: Lidia Bastianich, Felidia Restaurant, New York

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