Pasta with garlic olive oil

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Recipe by: rÜneysa

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

6 ea Garlic cloves
1/2 c Olive oil
1 lb Spaghetti
Salt pepper

VERSION 1: With raw garlic: Combine the the garlic with the olive
oil. Cook the pasta until it is *al dente*, then drain toss with
the garlic olive oil. Season well serve immediately. VERSION 2:
With lightly toasted golden garlic: Heat the garlic in the olive oil
until golden. Remove from the heat set aside. Cook the pasta until
*al dente*, then drain toss with the garlic. Season serve
immediately. VARIATIONS USING VERSION 2: Add a generous pinch of hot
red pepper flakes as you heat the garlic. Toss with the cooked pasta
a handful or two of chopped fresh parsley. Prepare the basic
recipe, adding parsley as above. Season with lots of cayenne pepper
toss with the finely grated rind of 1 lime the juice of 1 or 2
limes. Also good with lemon. Add several teaspoonfuls of capers to
the hot pepper variation. Add a small handful of torn basil leaves to
the oil as you heat the garlic. Coarsely chop half a head or so of
white cabbage add to the pan along with the heating garlic hot
red pepper flakes. Saute until tender slightly browned. Add more
oil, garlic red pepper if needed. Season toss with pasta of your

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