"Discover how to cook this fish recipe. Fish recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Fish recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick fish recipe!"
Recipe by: dylvan
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
1/2 kg Prawns
2 Onions diced into small
1/4 Inch Cinnamon
1/4 ts Chilli powder
1/2 ts Dhania powder
1/4 ts Garlic powder
1/2 ts Ginger powder
1 bn Fresh corriander
1 ts Salt
1/4 ts Turmeric powder
1 tb Oil
1. Clean the prawns and squeeze out the water 2. Add chilli, dhania,
garlic, ginger, turmeric powder, salt and mix well 3. Boil prawns on
low heat 4. Add 1 tsp of oil to the boiling prawns 5. When water
evaporates and the prawns are dry remove from stove 6. Heat the oil
in and put the cinnamon bit 7. Add prawns and fry for 2 minutes 8.
Add onions and fry till they turn brown 9. Sprinkle corriander leave
and remove from fire
Recipe By : Somesh Rao
Celebrity chef. Italian cuisine chef who owns 13 restaurants. Earnings: $3 million
Award-winning television personality. The queen of fried foods and Southern cooking. Earnings: $9 million
English celebrity chef also known as The Naked Chef. BBC food television shows.
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