Prawn spring roll (shrimp)

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Recipe by: aikel

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

Egg 1 no. Prawns 200 gms. (Shrimp)Cornflour ½ cup Dried mushrooms 4 nos. Spring onions 2 nos. Soya sauce 1 tsp. Peanut oil As required Oil for frying As required Salt As required

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1.Clean and cut the prawns into small pieces and drain, rinse and shred the soaked mushrooms, chop the onions finely.2.Heat oil in a pan and fry the onions, add the prawns and mushrooms 3.Stir fry for 2-3 mins and cook on low heat till the prawns are done.4.Add 1 tsp cornflour, soya sauce, salt and mix well and cook for another 2 mins and keep aside.5.Sift the flour, ½ cup of cornflour and salt in a bowl.6.Make a well in the center and add the egg into it.7.With a wooden spoon mix the flour into the egg and slowly add 4/5 cup of water to make a smooth batter.8.Heat a little peanut oil in a frying pan and spread batter thinly to cover the base.9.Cook the pancakes on one side and remove.10.Place the prawn filling in the center of each pancake and roll it and fold at the ends securing them with cornflour paste.11.Deep fry them till golden brown, drain well and serve hot.

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