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Recipe by: chamsedine
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Smoked Trout Fillets
Trout Mousseline
Papaya-Chutney Empanadas
Papaya Chutney
Marinated Papaya
Mustard-Dill Vinaigrette with Trout Roe
Wild Greens in Wine and Fruit Vinaigrette
Place assorted greens in upper left and lower left areas of 11-in. plate. Arrange marinated papaya slice so it extends from center to lower right area of plate. Use palette knife to position filled trout fillet in upper right area of plate; fillet should slightly overlap papaya. Spoon 1 tbsp. trout roe vinaigrette inside curve of papaya. Place empanada in space between wild greens.
Season: Year round
Food Cost: Low to moderate
American television personality and top chef. The 79th most powerful celebrity in the world. Earnings: $15 million
Heston Blumenthal - The Fat Duck
The Fat Duck is voted the #1 best restaurant in the world by Michelin Guide (celebrity chef from England)
The most famous french celebrity chef with 3 stars at the Michelin Guide awards. Earnings: $15.9 million
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