Preserved children

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Recipe by: waleed

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

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Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lg Field pn -of brook
6 Children Pebbles
2 -or 3 small dogs Flowers

Take 1 large field, half a dozen children, dogs and a pinch of brook,
and some pebbles. Mix the children and dogs well. Put them on the
field, stirring constantly. Pour the brook over the pebbles;
sprinkle the field with flowers. Spread over all a deep blue sky and
bake in the sun. When brown, set aside to cool in the bathtub

Louisiana Farm Bureau Women's Committee

from Foods a la Louisiane by Louisiana Farm Bureau Women typed by
Tiffany Hall-Graham
Submitted By TIFFANY HALL-GRAHAM On 03-15-95

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