"Discover how to cook this poultry recipe. Poultry recipe for free. Learn how to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious chef recipe explained step by step. Poultry recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick meat recipe!"
Recipe by: louis-miguel
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
5 lb Long Island duck, cleaned
1 tb Chinese five-spice powder
1 ts Salt
1 c Water chestnut powder
Boiling water
Sweet and sour plum sauce
Oil for deep frying
Crushed toasted almonds
Place duck in large kettle or Dutch oven with enough boiling
water to cover. Add spices and salt and simmer covered until tender,
about 1 to 1 1/4 hours. Remove duck from liquid and let cool.
Remove meat from bones and discard skin. Pour chestnut powder
into small baking pan (an 8-inch aluminum pan works well; powder
should be 1/2 to 1/4 inch deep). Press meat into powder. Cover and
steam 30 minutes, or until powder has gelatinized into thick, heavy
crust. Remove from steamer and let cool.
Cover and chill until ready to complete. About 30 minutes
before serving time, prepare sweet and sour plum sauce; set aside and
keep warm. Warm a serving platter in low oven. Preheat oil in deep
fryer to 375 F. Slice duck into bite-size chunks and fry quickly in
batches until crisp and browned. Remove with slotted spoon and drain
on paper towels. Repeat until cooking is completed. Serve immediately
with sweet and sour plum sauce topped with nuts. From Bon Appetit's
"Oriental Favorites."
American television personality and top chef. The 79th most powerful celebrity in the world. Earnings: $15 million
Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million
Award-winning television personality. The queen of fried foods and Southern cooking. Earnings: $9 million
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