Pronto peanut clusters

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Recipe by: ayachi

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

6 oz Semisweet chocolate chips 1 c Dry-roasted peanuts
1/4 c Chunky peanut butter

Recipe by: 365 Great Chocolate Desserts - ISBN 0-06-016537-5
Preparation Time: 0:12 1. In a 1-qt glass bowl, combine chocolate
chips and peanut butter. Heat in microwave on High about 1 1/2 mins,
until melted and smooth when stirred. Stir in peanuts.

2. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a wax paper-lined baking pan to make 25
clusters. Refrigerate until set, 30 to 60 mins. Cover and keep
refrigerated until serving time.

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