Pronto's phyllo-wrapped white chocolate chees

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Recipe by: marjatta

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/2 lb White chocolate,melted
1 1/2 lb Cream cheese
1 1/4 c Granulated sugar
1 1/2 ts Grated orange or lemon rind
3 Eggs
1/2 c Cream plus 3 Tb
1/2 ts Vanilla
12 Phyllo sheets
Melted butter

1. While chocolate melts in double boiler, use a mixer on low speed
and blend cheese, sugar and orange or lemon rind until smooth. (Do
not use low-fat cheese in this recipe) Beat in eggs one at a time,
followed by cream and vanilla. 2. Add a little of the cheese mixture
to the warmed chocolate, then stir this mixture into remaining cheese
mixture. 3. Spoon mixture into a buttered 9-inch layer cake pan,
lined with parchment paper. Set in a pan, and pour in hot water until
it reaches halfway up the pan. Bake ina 350 F. oven, adding more
water if needed, until set and lightly browned on top, about 1 hour.
4. Remove from oven, let cool, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
5. To serve, lightly brush each 8 - 12- inch square of phyllo pastry
with melted butter. Gently remove each slice of cheesecake from pan.
Wrap a sheet of prepared phyllo pastry around each piece, folding
until cake is covered with three layers. Trim excess pastry. 6. Brush
each dessert with additional melted butter. Place on a baking sheet
and bake in a 350 R. oven for 10 minutes, or until phyllo begins to
Transfer to dessert plates and decorate with fruit purees.

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