Psari vrasto me patates (boiled fish w/potatoes)

"Discover how to cook this fish recipe. Fish recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Fish recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick fish recipe!"
Recipe by: yves-emmanuel

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 lb Fish (fatty) 1 c Oil
1 1/2 lb Small, round potatoes Water as needed
3 ea Onions, sliced thick Salt pepper to taste
3 ea Carrots, sliced 2 ea Lemons, juice only
3 ea Stalks celery, chopped

Clean and peel potates; leave them whole. Put patates, onions,
carrots, and celery in wide pot; add oil and 1 c. water. Simmer over
med. heat 30 - 45 min.

Clean fish. Cut it into 6 portions, season with salt and pepper.
When the vegetables are almost tender, add the fiish to the pot,
laying it on the potatoes. Add lemon juice. Cover pot and cook for
15 to 20 min., or until most of the liquid is absorbed but the oil

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