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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/2 c Chickpeas 3 Cloves garlic
2 sm Zucchini 1/4 ts Pepper
1/4 lb Boneless lamb 1 Veal knuckle, split
2 sm Sweet potatoes 3 tb Oil (or butter)
1/4 lb Boneless beef 1 ts Salt
1 c Corn cut from the cob 2 Pears
3 lb Chicken 2 qt Chicken broth
2 White potatoes, boiled in 3 Peaches
-jackets 1/2 sm Cabbage
1/2 lb Ham 2 Limes
3 Barely ripe bananas 2 sm Turnips
1 lg Onion 1 lg Carrot
1/2 ts Coriander seeds, crushed

"Puchero is to Mexican cooking what Pot-au-Feu is to French. The
difference lies in Puchero's imaginative combination of vegetables and
fruits. Since it is even more delicious the second day, this recipe will
make an ample amount to serve 8 for dinner, with some left over for lunch
the following day."

Place the chick peas in a kettle, cover with broth, and soak overnight.

Cut the lamb and beef into 2-inch cubes, cut the chicken into serving
pieces, and dice the ham. Peel and slice the onion and garlic. Combine
the drained chick peas, all the meats, the veal knuckle, onion, garlic, and
salt in a large soup kettle. Cover with 2 quarts of cold water and bring
to a full boil. Skim off the froth. Lower the heat, cover, and simmer for
45 minutes.

Cut the cabbage into eight wedges. Peel and slice the turnips and carrot.
Slice the zucchini. Peel and dice the sweet potatoes. Cut the corn from
the cob. Add the cabbage, turnips, carrot, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and
corn to the kettle. Cover and simmer about 20 minutes or until meats and
vegetables are tender.

Peel the boiled white potatoes and cut into thick slices. Peel bananas and
cut into 2-inch slices. Saute potatoes, sprinkled with crushed coriander
seeds and pepper in oil. Remove the potato slices with a slotted spoon.
Keep warm. In the same oil saute the bananas until golden. Keep warm with
the potatoes.

Peel, core, and slice the pears and peaches. Put in a small pan with a
little water and poach for 10 minutes. Do not overcook. Drain the fruit.

Adjust the seasonings. Serve each bowl of soup with the juice from one lime
wedge and a Tbsp. of Guacamole.

From: The New York Times Bread and Soup Cookbook Shared By: Pat Stockett

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