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"Greek recipe - Discover how to cook this Greek recipe free. Ideas for dinner to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious Greek recipe. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and free recipe!"
Recipe by: gaudenzio

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143 people have saved this recipe

Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3/4 c Hot Water or Meat Juices
1/2 c Powdered Milk
1 Egg, Beaten
1/3 c Margerine
1/2 ts Salt (optional)
3 c Whole Wheat Flour

In a large bowl pour hot water over margerine. Stir in powdered milk,
salt and egg. Add flour 1/2 cup at a time mixing well after each
addition. Knead 3 to 4 minutes, adding more flour if necessary to
make a very stiff dough. Pat or roll to 1/2 inch thickness and cut
into bone shapes. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake at 325
degrees for 50 minutes. Allow to cool and dry out until hard. Makes
approximately 1 1/4 pounds. Costs approximately $.25 per pound.

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