Roast camel

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Recipe by: florie

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

An umbrella 1 Pair of tweezers and/or
8 oz Glass lemonade, or favorite Latex gloves
Cool refreshment 1 Toothpick (per camel)
Really long, boring book Match or lighter
1 Pair binoculars

First, pick a nice spot in the desert in which to sit and wait. (It
should be noted that waiting is the most time-consuming element of
this dish.) Arrange yourself in the sand, with the umbrella placed so
that it blocks the harsh desert sun. Be sure to drink plenty of

Before long, it is certain that a camel will wander into the picture.
Now, camels are not particularly social creatures, so it is very
important that you pique the beast's interest by engrossing yourself
in the long, boring book. The camel, being a literate, if modest
being, will naturally be very curious. If you make enough facial
expressions and 'hmm, interesting's, the camel's fascination will be
aroused to the point that it decides to read the book over your
shoulder. Now, the book being as boring as it is, and the sun beating
down so unrelentlessly, said camel will soon doze off.

At this point, you must move quickly and quietly. Without disturbing
the snoozing dromedary or bactrian, gaze at it through the large end
of the binoculars. The camel will, of course, be very small. Pick
the camel up GENTLY with the tweezers (sterilized) or the gloves, so
as not to contaminate the food, and roast it over the match flame.
Place on toothpick (preferably the kind with that cute little frilly
thing on top) for presentation.

Note This also works with alligators and things that would prefer to
eat you before you eat them. It does not, repeat--NOT-- work with

*addendum* Further, when offerring the your guest the camel, it is
courtesy to ask, "One hump or two?"

original post: amanda toering addendum by: Marc Green
Submitted By JULIE GLEITSMANN On 09-20-95

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