Sauerbraten (marinated pot roast)

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

-------------------------POT ROAST------------------------------
1 c Dry red wine
1 1/2 c Cold water
5 Black peppercorns,crushed
1 Large bay leaf
3 tb Shortening
1/2 c Gingersnap crumbs
1/2 c Red wine vinegar
1 Large onion,thinly sliced
4 Juniper berries,crushed
4 lb Beef rolled rump roast*
1/2 c Water

----------------------POTATO DUMPLINGS---------------------------
2 Slices white bread w/o crust
1/2 c All-purpose flour
1 1/2 ts Salt
1/8 ts Ground white pepper
2 Eggs,beaten
2 ts Salt
1/2 c Dry bread crumbs
2 tb Butter or margarine
1/2 c Uncooked regular farina
1/8 ts Ground nutmeg
3 1/2 c Riced cooked potatoes
4 qt Water
2 tb Butter or margarine

POT ROAST: Mix wine, vinegar, 1 1/2 cups water, the onion,
peppercorns, juniper berries and bay leaf in saucepan. Heat to
boiling. Remove from heat; cool in refrigerator to room temperature.
Pierce surface of roast with fork. Place roast in 3-quart glass bowl;
pour on marinade. Cover tightly and refrigerate 2 to 3 days, turning
roast several times each day.
Remove roast from marinade and pat dry. Strain marinade, reserving
liquid and discarding onion and spices. Melt shortening in Dutch
oven. Brown roast in hot shortening about 10 minutes. Remove roast;
pour off fat.
Heat 2 cups of the reserved marinade and 1/2 cup water to boiling in
Dutch 1 minute. Thinly slice brisket diagonally across grain; serve
with gravy.
Remove roast to heated platter; cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.
Measure liquid in Dutch oven into large measuring cup; skim off fat.
Add enough reserved marinade to measure 2 1/2 cups if necessary. (If
liquid measures more than 2 1/2 cups, boil rapidly to reduce amount
to 2 1/2 cups.) Heat liquid and gingersnap crumbs over medium heat,
Stirring frequently, 10 minutes; strain. Serve gravy with roast and
Potato Dumplings.
*NOTE: Beef bottom round or boneless chuck eye roast can be
substituted forthe rolled rump roast.
POTATO DUMPLINGS: Cut bread into 1/2-inch cubes. Melt 2 tablespoons
butter in 8-inch skillet. Cook bread cubes in butter oven medium
heat, stirring frequently, until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.
Mix flour, farina, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, the nutmeg, pepper and
potatoes. Stir in eggs; beat until dough holds its shape. Flour hands
lightly. Shape about 2 tablespoons dough into ball. Press hole in
center with fingertip; drop 4 bread cubes into hole. Seal by shaping
into ball again. Repeat with remaining dough and bread crumbs.
Heat water and 2 teaspoons salt to boiling in 6- to 8-quart kettle.
While water is heating, melt 2 tablespoons butter in 6-inch skillet
over low heat. Cook and stir bread crumbs in butter until butter is
absorbed; reserve.
Drop dumplings into boiling water and stir once or twice; reduce heat.
Simmer uncovered until dumplings rise to surface, 12 to 15 minutes.
Cook 1 minute longer. Remove with slotted spoon. Sprinkle dumplings
with reserved bread crumbs.

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