Sauerbraten (pot roast)

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 lb Beef ** 1 pt Vinegar
1 x Water 4 ea Bay leaf
12 ea Peppercorns, black 4 ea Cloves
1 ea Carrot 6 ea Onion
1 tb Sugar 12 ea Gingersnaps
1 x Salt and pepper

** Use beef chuck, rump, or round.
Wipe meat with damp cloth and then sprinkle thoroughly with salt and
pepper. Place meat in an earthen dish and add vinegar and enough water to
cover. Add the bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves, and let stand tightly
covered for 5 days in a cool place.
Cut carrots in strips; slice onions. Put meat in a dutch oven and brown
well on all sides. Add the carrots and onions and 1 cup of the spiced
vinegar. Cover tightly and cook over low flame about 3 hours or until meat
is tender. When meat is cooked, add the sugar and crumbled ginger snaps and
cook for 10 minutes. This makes delicious gravy. If necessary, more of the
spiced vinegar may be added.

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