Sauerkraut cabbage with pork #1189

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 Center cut pork chops (5oz.) 1 lb Sauerkraut, rinsed drained
Flour 1 lb Cabbage (any type) shredded
Salt 1 ts Caraway seeds
Pepper 1 ts Granulated sugar
1 md Onion, sliced Parsley leaves

Sprinkle the chops lightly with a mixture of flour, salt and pepper.
Lightly brown the chops in a hot skillet. set the chops aside.

Pour off as much fat as possible from the pan drippings, but retain
the browned bits. Add the onion, sauerkraut, and shredded cabbage to
the skillet. Stir over medium heat until steaming.

Stir in the caraway seeds and sugar. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Arrange the chops over the vegetables. Cover. Simmer over low heat
for 20 minutes. Uncover. Simmer until the pork is thoroughly cooked
(another 10-15 minutes.) Garnish with fresh parsley. Serve hot.

Joel Ehrlich typed into MM form by Mary Riemerman
Submitted By MARY RIEMERMAN On 03-30-95

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