Sauerkraut filling for pierogies

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Recipe by: gianina

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Sauerkraut
1 md Onion -- chopped
1 pn Salt
1 pn Black pepper -- freshly
2 tb Butter or margarine

In medium saucepan, place sauerkraut and enough water to cover.
Simmer, uncovered, over low heat 30 minutes. Drain well. Using a
grinder or food processor fitted with a metal blade, process
sauerkraut. Do not puree or process too fine. Melt butter or
margarine in a large skillet. Add onion; saute over medium heat
until tender. Blend in sauerkraut, salt and pepper. Let cool before
filling pierogies.

Makes about 4 cups or enough to fill 40 to 45 pierogies. Sauerkraut
pierogies are traditionally served on Christmas Eve as a main dish in

Recipe by Marianna Olszewska Heberle Published in HPBooks "POLISH
COOKING" ISBN 0-89586-272-7

Posted by Keith Livingstone Fido Cooking 7/28/94

Recipe By :

From: Marjorie Scofield Date: 05-28-95 (160) Fido:

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