Sausage and potato mini-turnovers

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

For filling-
1 lg Boiling potato (about 1/2
1/2 lb Fresh Mexican chorizo (spicy
Pork sausage)
1 ts Dried oregano
Salt to taste
For dough:
2 c Masa harina*
1 1/4 c Warm water
Vegetable oil for

Accompaniments: Guacamole Tomato salsa

*Note: available at Kitchen Market (888) 468-4433

Make filling: Peel potato and cut into 1/4-inch dice. In a saucepan of
boiling salted water steam potatoes 5 minutes, or until just cooked
through, and drain in a colander.

Remove casings from chorizo and crumble or finely chop meat. In a
heavy skillet cook chorizo over moderate heat, stirring, 5 minutes.
Add potato, oregano, and salt to taste and cook, stirring, 5 minutes.
Cool filling completely. Filling may be made 2 days ahead and kept,
covered and chilled, or frozen 2 weeks.

Make dough: Line 2 baking sheets with plastic wrap. In a large bowl
stir together masa harina and warm water until a dough forms. Pinch
off small pieces of dough and shape into about forty 1-inch balls.
Transfer balls to a baking sheet and cover with more plastic wrap.

From a plastic bag cut two 5-inch squares and use one to line lower
half of a tortilla press. Put a ball of dough in tortilla press and
top with second square of plastic. Close tortilla press, pushing
gently on lever to flatten dough just to a 2 1/2-inch round.
(Alternatively, flatten dough between squares of plastic using a
rolling pin.) Remove top plastic square and put a rounded teaspoon
filling in center of round. Fold round over filling to form a half
moon, using plastic underneath to support dough if necessary, and
pinch edges together to seal. Transfer turnover to other baking
sheet. Make more turnovers in same manner, reusing plastic squares,
and put on baking sheets. Turnovers may be prepared up to this point
and kept, covered with plastic wrap, chilled 1 day or frozen 1 week.
Thaw turnovers 1 hour before proceeding.

In a large saucepan heat 1-inch oil until it registers 375 degrees on
a deep-fat thermometer and fry turnovers in batches of 8 to 10 until
golden, 2 to 3 minutes, transferring with a slotted spoon to paper
towels to drain and making sure oil returns to 375 degrees before
adding next batch.

Serve turnovers immediately with guacamole or salsa.

Yield: about 40


Recipes courtesy Gourmet magazine

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