"savory" fruit compote

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

12 oz Dried prunes -- halved and sliced thin
6 oz Dried apricots 6 Winter savory sprigs
1 c Dried cranberries 1 tb Balsamic vinegar (or more)
1/2 Orange; unpeeled -- (to taste)

This is a sweet/tart accompaniment to mild main dishes, or a
not-too-sweet dessert with slices of pound cake.

Simmer dried fruit and orange slices in water to cover for 30 minutes
or until soft. Add savory sprigs and vinegar. Remove from heat and
let cool to room temperature. Serve immediately or refrigerate; if
the latter, let the compote come to room temperature before serving.

* Source: The Herb Companion - October/November 1993

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