Swordfish escabeche

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 lg Swordfish, steaks,
-- (about 8 oz each)

1/4 c Juice, lime, fresh
1 1/2 c Water
1 ts Salt

3/4 ts Oregano, toasted *
2 ea Bay leaves
2 ea Allspice, whole
1/3 ts Peppercorns, black
1/2 ts Cumin seeds
1 ea Clove
1 ea Cinnamon, stick
1 lg Garlic, clove, peeled
1/2 ts Sugar
1 ea Garlic clove, minced,
-- toasted **

3/4 c Vinegar, red wine
1/4 c Oil, olive
1/2 md Onion, sweet, sliced into
-- thin rings
2 ea Chilies, red, sliced into
-- thin rings

* Toast just until the odor of the oregano is noticeable, do not burn.
Oregano will begin to smoke lightly when ready.

** Mince the garlic, and saute it quickly in a very hot pan with as
little olive oil as possible. Toast it until it's slightly browned. Remove
from heat and reserve.

Marinate the steaks in lime juice, water, and salt for 1 hour.


In a grinder or mortar, put the toasted oregano, bay leaves, allspice,
peppercorns, cumin seeds, whole clove, salt, coriander, cinnamon stick,
fresh garlic clove, and sugar. Grind thoroughly then add toasted garlic.

Put the ground mixture in a saute pan and add 3/4 of a cup of water,
1/2 cup of red wine vinegar, and simmer for 15 minutes.


Meanwhile, remove the steaks from the marinade, take off their skins,
cube, then pat dry.

Heat another saute pan, then add olive oil. Put the swordfish into
the pan and saute until it has a light, golden crust.

Reserve the swordfish on a serving dish.

Pour the oil from the pan and deglaze the pan with 1/4 cup red wine
vinegar. Add herb and vinegar sauce to deglazed pan and bring to a boil.
Add a touch of water if sauce becomes too thick.

Spoon sauce over fish and garnish with sweet onions and red chilies.
Serve at room temperature.

Source: Great Chefs of San Francisco, Avon Books, 1984
Chef: Mark Miller, The Fourth Street Grill, Berkeley, CA

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