Tuscany white bean soup

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/4 c Onion; chopped 2 Bay leaves; large
1/2 ts Garlic; minced 1 ts Dried basil; cri,b;ed
3 tb Olive oil; divided 1/2 ts Salt
1/2 lb Dry great nothern beans; 1/2 ts White pepper; ground
-washed 2 tb Parsley; fresh chopped
2 qt Water 2 Green onion; chopped

Saute onion and garlic in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until soft,
stirring often. Add bean, water, bay leaves, and basil. Bring
mixture to a boil, reduce to a simmmer, and cover. Continue cooking
until beans are tender, about 2 hours, adding more liquid if
necessary and stirring occasionally. Season with salt and pepper.
Cool soup, puree beans in a blender or food processor fitted with
steel blade. Return pureed soup to pot; reheat over moderate heat.
stirring often. Blend in remaining olive oil. Serve soup hot,
garnished with chopped parsley and green onions. If soup is too
thick, add water or chicken broth. Food Exchange Per Serving: 2 1/2
293; CHO: 37g; PRO: 13g; FAT: 11g; SOD: 256; CHOL: 0g; LOW-SODIUM:
Omit Salt.

Source: The Art of Cooking for the Diabetic by Mary Abbott Hess,
R.D.,M.S. and Katharine Middleton Brought to you and yours via Nancy
O'Brion and her Meal-Master

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