$25,000 chili

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Recipe by: oceane

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 md Onions; diced 6 oz Can tomato paste
2 md Green peppers; diced 6 oz Chili powder
2 lg Stalks celery; diced Tabasco sauce to taste
2 sm Cloves garlic; minced 12 oz Beer
1/2 sm Fresh jalapeno peppers; 12 oz Mineral water; bottled
8 lb Lean chuck; ground coarsely 3 Bay leaves; or 2 your choice
1 cn 7 oz diced green chilies Garlic salt to taste
14 1/2 oz Can stewed tomatoes Salt/pepper to taste
15 oz Can tomato sauce

Dice and saute first 5 ingredients. Add meat and brown. Add
everything else, including 1/2 can beer. (Drink the remainder,
according to Annie). Add water JUST TO COVER TOP. Cook about 3 hours
on low heat. Stir often. Remove bay leaves. Couple of notes: Better
the 2nd day, if you can wait that long. Also, those I substitute pure
New Mexico ground red chili. Whatever you use make sure it's pure
chili powder, no additional seasonings added.

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