280009 mexican chicken casserole

"Discover how to cook this casserole recipe free. Learn how to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious chef recipe explained step by step. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy, quick and free recipe!"
Recipe by: desdemone

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 Chicken breasts 1 c Milk
1 Doz corn tortillas 1 sm Onion, grated
1 cn Cream of mushroom soup 1 cn Ortega green chili salsa
1 cn Cream of chicken soup 1 lb Cheddar cheese, grated

Mix together both cans of soup, milk, onion and salt 24 hours ahead of
time. Let set overnight. Next day, bake 4 chicken breasts in foil
at 400 degrees for 1 hour. Put 3-4 tablespoons chicken broth in
large casserole. Cut tortillas in 1 inch strips. Place in layers as
follows: tortillas, boned chicken (cut in long strips), then sauce
mix. Top with shredded Cheddar cheese. Bake for 1 to 1 1/2 hours at
350 degrees until bubbly. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 02-26-95

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